Listen To Your Gut: If Something Doesn’t Feel Right, It Probably Isn’t.

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Better Living AuthorBetter Living Author February 22, 2019

Listen To Your Gut: If Something Doesn’t Feel Right, It Probably Isn’t.

Signs of emerging problem with older adults often go unnoticed because no one realizes that these subtle signs may lead to bigger troubles. Losses or decline may be gradual in onset that they become unaware of any rising concerns. To complicate matters, family and loved ones are often so busy to notice these deterioration – or assumingely attribute these changes to old age.”

Personal Care Services Surrey

Take a look at these examples below:

  • At the age of 92, George's memory is still sharp but his body is falling apart because of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)
  • Emma who is now 85, wanders around and does not remember where she lives but the doctor says she has a heart and lungs of a 50-year old.
  • John who is a wheelchair bound, easily manages to go around his neighbourhood with his electric scooter but can't read little labels well enough to manage his daily medications and insulin injections.
  • Janet is vital and healthy at 85 but unable to keep up with house cleaning and grocery shopping.
Senior Care Services


  • Increasing change in behaviours and personality, weight loss, weight gains or sudden changes in appetite, increasing time spent in bed, ARE NOT part of "normal aging process" and should be reported to the doctor.
  • Stained or unkept clothes are often warning signs of vision problem, sensory loss, disease process or mental depression.
  • Weight loss may be indicative of emotional distress, poorly fitting dentures, dental problems, inability to shop and prepare meals or underlying diseases.
Senior Care Services

What Can I Do?

  • Observe around the home and courteously ask questions, looking for risky situations.
  • Help out with simple interventions such as installing ramps, railings, or good lighting.
  • Organize a plan to assist with on going assistance involving family and loved ones.
  • Consider professional caregivers and services to prevent caregiver burnout.
Personal Care Services

Expect some resistance. Some elders will refuse at first and have to be encouraged to accept help.

Better Living Home Care Services

At Better Living Home Care Services, we truly care about your overall wellbeing. If you are finding yourself having trouble managing on your own, we would love to help you explore your options regarding home care assistance. We provide home care services ranging from respite care to end of life care. Call our Client Care Coordinator at (604) 765-1827 for more information